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ATU-USSUN Secretary delivers online message

Rasoul Firouzi speech in SUN GA, Italy

Report by ATU-USSUN, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran

ATU-USSUN Secretary, Mr Rasoul Firouzi, a PhD student at Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU) and the Secretary of the ATU-USSUN, was invited to participate in the SUN’s 9th General Assembly which took place in the Naples University, Italy.

However, owing to Visa issues, the Secretary failed to attend the event in person and delivered his annual message in the form of a recorded video message. Mr Firouzi’s video message is available below.

It is worth adding that this was the 9th iteration of the Silk Road Universities Network’s (SUN) General Assembly, this year held in Italy. To date, more than 80 universities from all around the globe are enlisted as SUN member universities.