We are a student network affiliated to ATU & the SUN
As the name implies, ATU-USSUN, standing for Allameh Tabataba’i University’s United Students of the Silk Road Universities Network, is a fruit of the synergies and collaborations between two entities: ATU and the SUN.
ATU, standing to Allameh Tabataba’i University, is a public university in Tehran, Iran, specialising in the humanities and social sciences. The university is tightly cooperating with the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) and is host to one of its major student networks. The current secretary of ATU-USSUN is Rasoul Firouzi, a PhD candidate in Translation Studies.

Rasoul Firouzi
Secretary of ATU-USSUN
Strive for Peace through Networking
As an international student network’s powered by and for students, ATU-USSUN’s mission is to strengthen peace and harmony among various Silk Road cultures and peoples through effective networking and collaboration among students, developing a supportive community, promoting understanding and cooperation, and removing the barriers to learning and development.
As a network powered by Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU), a university specialising in the humanities and social sciences, our second mission is to remove, or at least reduce, the barriers to knowledge, through providing an accessible, free, online platform for teaching, learning, and knowledge sharing.
We believe our students are ambassadors of illumination, peace and friendship across the ancient Silk Roads. You are also invited to contribute to the activities and events at ATU-USSUN. In case you are interested in organising online training courses, we will be happy to receive your application on the Join Us page.





Networking, Knowledge Sharing & Competing
Facilitating Networking
We are living in an age of communications where human relations play a decisive role. The best way to obtain efficient communications is through networking.
Removing Barriers to Learning
In a world where "knowledge is power," gaining knowledge means getting more powerful to tackle the difficulties and challenges in everyday life.
Organising Student Competitions
Each year, we cooperate with the Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) to organise a series of specialised competitions (e.g. photography, writing, etc.)

Rasoul Firouzi

Yu Jeong Lee

Shirin Tajik

Lina Rose
Our Creative Team Members
At ATU-USSUN, we believe in the specialty and talents of students. Members who are currently cooperating with ATU-USSUN are from Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, and several other countries.