News Archive
Workshop 2 held on English Correspondence
On Wednesday, 29 January 2025, ATU-USSUN, the United Students of the Silk Road
Workshop 1 held on surfing the web safely
To follow the agenda set by the Secratery of the ATU-USSUN, Mr Rasoul
New Secretary of ATU-USSUN appointed
For plaintext Lorem Ipsum, type lorem then press the Ctrl-Shift-L keyboard shortcut. The
ATU President delivers an online message, SUN GA
Like previous years and according to Allameh Tabataba’i University’s (ATU) active role in
ATU-USSUN Secretary delivers online message
ATU-USSUN Secretary, Mr Rasoul Firouzi, a PhD student at Allameh Tabataba’i University (ATU)